HL Landscapes


Northern Beaches Hospital Road Upgrade, NSW

Client: Ferrovial York JV and RMS

Location: Northern Beaches Hospital Road Upgrade

Year: 2018

The NSW Government upgraded the roads around the new Northern Beaches Hospital. HL Landscapes were entrusted to deliver the civil landscaping and landscape maintenance to the project for Ferrovial York JV and RMS.

The upgrade provided customers with a better travel experience, increased capacity on the road network and improved access through the area, including for pedestrians and cyclists.

Construction activity reached its peak during 2018. Some of the main activities included:

Completion of Frenchs Forest Road upgrade
• Widening and upgrading of Frenchs Forest Road and Naree Road in time for the hospital opening in 2018
• Finalising property adjustments and driveway realignments for properties on Frenchs Forest Road and Naree Road
• Allambie Road and Warringah Road intersection temporary traffic changes
• Opening footpaths and shared user paths

Warringah Road underpass
• Moving westbound traffic lanes on Warringah Road onto the newly constructed road to provide space for the excavation and construction of the new underpass
• Reconstructing the intersections at Forest Way, Hilmer Street and Wakehurst Parkway.

Noise mitigation and treatment work
• Noise treatment for eligible properties