HL Landscapes

HL Landscapes News

#meet the team – Andrew “Dunc” Duncan – NSW Operations Manager

Meet The Team – Andrew “Dunc” Duncan - HL Landscapes

This week we caught up with our new NSW Operations Manager,  Andrew “Dunc” Duncan.

Name: Andrew “Dunc” Duncan

Position: HL NSW Operations Manager

How long have you worked for HL?: 629 days and counting!

What projects are you currently working on at the moment for HL?: My time is currently divided overseeing all our NSW projects. Prior to this I was mainly based on the Northconnex and M4SM project .

What do you mainly do on a day to day basis with HL?: I mainly oversee the administration side for all our NSW projects including purchase orders, safety, claims, quality checks, project programming and human resources. Basically everything!

What do you most like about working for HL?: My current role which allows for a lot of autonomy and i like the democratic management style of the business.

What’s the best part about your job?: The fact that I can work autonomously which I relish and I really enjoy seeing projects evolve from start to finish.

What made you get into the landscape industry?: I love working outdoors.

What’s your favourite meal?: Pizza

If you could add one luxury item to work utes, what would it be?: A personal driver!



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